Category: contact form 7

The contact form 7 placeholder attribute is giving a hint for the input field. We can add a placeholder in the input field shortcode [text* your-name placeholder “Enter Name”] We can add a placeholder option for text, email, url, tel, textarea, number, range, date, and captcha. As a Read more…

Contact Form 7 email validation regex. We can check characters and domain names by regex. Please check the following code. : Streamline email testing with our reliable sandbox account. YouTube – Watch Now How to block some domain names Read more…

We can fix the error “sender email address does not belong to the site domain.” by changing the email address. We need the same domain name for From input field on the Mail tab. Here website domain name is Read more…

Contact form 7 sends emails to multiple recipients. We can send emails to selectable or conditional email addresses by shortcode. You can send emails by Bcc (blind carbon copy) or Cc (carbon copy). You need to add the contact form Read more…

We can easily add contact form 7 additional headers like Bcc or Cc or Reply-To. Go to wp-admin > contact form 7 (CF7) > select form > mail. Then add data to the additional headers input field. Contact form 7 Read more…

We can use contact form 7 as the Contact Form upload file WordPress plugin. Install contact form 7 and CFDB7 plugin. Go to wp-admin > plugins > add new > search “contact form 7” and “CFDB7” install and activate it. Read more…

Contact Form 7 text field validation filter hooks details. We can modify the validation function by wpcf7_validate_text filter. The wpcs_custom_validation_filter hook will run during submission time. The $result is WPCF7_Validation object. It has invalidate method. The invalidate method will store Read more…

The wpcf7_mail_sent is a contact form 7 action hook. You can see more details on How do I get submission data from the wpcf7_mail_sent hook? Add the following code in your theme functions.php or plugin file to get post Read more…