Ninja Forms Multiple Recipients – BCC or CC

We can send “Ninja forms” submissions to multiple recipients by multiple email actions or BCC or CC options.

1. Ninja Forms Send To Multiple Emails With Multiple Email Actions

We can add multiple recipients for ninja forms by adding multiple email actions.

Select the Email & actions tab then click on the “+” icon and select Email action.

Now, you can add an email address in the “To” email input field.

Ninja Forms Multiple Recipients

Repeat the above procedure up to your required emails.

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2. Ninja Forms CC or BCC option

We need to enable dev mode for ninja forms. Go to Ninja forms > Settings > click on the “Form Builder Dev Mode” checkbox.

Now, you can see Bcc or cc input field in the email action > settings > advanced section.

ninja forms send to multiple emails

How to save submissions MySQL DB?

You can save ninja forms entry to an internal or external MySQL database with the Ninja forms MySQL plugin.

How to Save Ninja Forms Email Log?

Install the postbox email logging plugin. It will automatically start to capture all outgoing emails from WordPress.

Now we can analyze ninja forms emails from wp-admin > Email Log section.

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